Oasis Project:

One of the biggest problems in the modern-day society is cime. United States has more incarcerated individuals than any other country in the world at this time. So prevalent is this problem that presumed corporations have started up, some of them publicly traded on the stock market. The build, run, and maintain prisons, and it's a growing industry. But why is this happening? The experts will tell you it's the other guys fault and problem, and he'll tell you the same. But that root cause is problem is money. This is a multi-billion-dollar a year industry and nobody who has the power to make positive changes is going to do anything to jeopardize their cut (and everyone is getting a cut somewhere on the food chain). Greed is the source of most of crime problems in the United States.
The only way to truly combat crime is from the inside out. The way it has been done for centuries is from the outside in. Laws, incentives, even money has been thrown at criminals and various attempts to curb their activities, to no avail. This is because you cannot battle this enemy from the outside. You have to go inside, live there, reside in that community and then once you actually know what he experiences like, you can begin slowly make changes. That our approach.

The Oasis Project:
One of the core policies of The old and the new. This one is he is going to run on a ship ship: this is a new Foundation is our understanding that in order for us to affect any positive change in the world we have to be in the world. Therefore, we created the Oasis Project. We have strategically purchased properties in or near high crime areas. From these properties we offer the community a variety of tailor-made programs. What programs are offered depend upon the ever evolving needs of that individual community. While the Oasis program is not secret by any stretch of the nation, we keep program locations private because they are mostly located in homes within residential neighborhoods and might attract the wrong type of attention if listed. Nevertheless, they are out there and helping individuals living in and around their communities.
This project has zero negative impact on the communities it engages. The reason is how we run each individual location. In addition to adhering to all local ordinances and laws, we go out of our way to beautify and enhance the physical look of the community itself by investing in our parks, and other public spaces. We use the word "our" because we are part of the community itself. We live there. The people who staff these locations live at these locations.

Below are some images from one of our newest Oasis Project locations. This apartment was lovingly restored and is currently being discreetly utilized for a variety community programs (such as the Genius Project, THE GAME, and the Horizons Anonymous programs).


Dont Fuck Up My Chi
Lying to chindren1
No Bullshit Zone
Retrain Your Brain
Dont let others



We thought we would add a bit of HOPE & Peace. Enjoy!


David Robitaille’s Story

Hope for all living on the Sex Offender Registry!

Weight Loss Pot


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This entire website, which does not include third-party links, is a No Cancel Culture, free speech and freedom of expression zone. This means you may come across offensive and or objectionable content. We allow and encourage all manner of freedom of expression regardless of the social norms in place at the time (from the past, today or in the future).

