download (7)The Foster Program

Throughout the U.S. children of all ages and backgrounds are place within the foster care system. While the genuine overall intent of this system is to transition at risk youth into more stable and nurturing environment, tragically this is really the outcome.

We have all heard the horror stories of what can and does happen to children who enter the foster care system. All forms of abuse, as well as neglect do occur often; creating a paradox that has lasted throughout the decades. Child raised in foster care is abuse and or neglected. That child finds it difficult or impossible to integrate into adult society when they come of age. Usually, it is not already occurred by now, this individual may get into drugs and alcohol, gains, delinquent and/or violent behavior, and will likely have spent some time incarcerated within the juvenile and or adult penal systems. This is a common and most unbreakable chain of events which become the life stories of all too many who have entered this system.

images (9)So what is the solution? We have a new program that we will be implementing soon simply called the Foster Program. The Foster Program will provide the following services to foster children of all ages:
1. Assist each individual child in assessing and pursuing an area of interest, such as learning a musical instrument, engaging in sports, attending various public and private events such as sporting events, concerts, and other recreational activities.
2. Ensure that each individual has facilities and resources needed to pursue their area of interest; shall include transportation to and from as needed.
3. Ensure that each individual, regardless of their foster placement or location, is able to access this program. This is accomplished simply by the reporting agency letting us know where the individual may be picked up and dropped off (times and dates would be worked out).
4. Continue working with each individual toward their educational, trade, and life goals; transitioning them from the Foster Program to whatever other programs so they may continue their upward mobility within society.

The whole point of this program is to address core underlying factor as to why Active1so many who have entered and gone through the foster care system and up either as drug addicts, criminals, in prison, homeless, or dead. That underlying factor is that these children have no positive consistent element within their lives. While no one can prevent all forms of abuse and neglect which may befall them, we have the ability, through this program, to provide a consistent and stabilizing element into the lives of these young people in a way that not only teaches them the values which will serve them well as they enter into adulthood, but also the much needed proper social interaction which follow suit. As adults these children will undoubtedly look back at what may or may not have been in abusive childhood within the foster care system, with more than just a glimmer of hope and pride because of this program and the people that they encountered throughout.

Right now we are looking for the right people to staff various positions in this program. We hope to have it up and running within the next 6 to 10 months, or shorter if possible. If you're interested contact us and let us know.

Thank you.

Taken into foster care, through the eyes of a child


Jan 3, 2020


Dont Fuck Up My Chi
Lying to chindren1
No Bullshit Zone
Retrain Your Brain
Dont let others



We thought we would add a bit of HOPE & Peace. Enjoy!


David Robitaille’s Story

Hope for all living on the Sex Offender Registry!

Weight Loss Pot


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